Saturday, December 22, 2018

Asus Zenbook battery dies: it's like a new car running out of gas and having to buy another new car.

That's pretty much the attitude of Asus support. I'm in New York and basically Asus wants me to send my $1,100 2011 Zenbook to Texas for them to replace their proprietary battery that they claim cannot be removed by non Asus support humans. Asus would not give me a cost estimate other than $380, which could be modified once I paid to ship the PC and Asus examined the PC. What the heck?

That's it. I finally figured the PC is dead anyway so I might as well try to open it and see where the battery is and what it looks like.

It's a wide and very thin battery, not a brick like battery that could be easily removed without preforming major surgery. Initially I thought it was a plastic internal cover for the circuitry. I removed it.

Asus told me that it does not sell their own battery but gave me a list of websites where I might be able to buy it. By then I had already ordered it from a site not on their list.

from: Ken
to: "" <>
date: Dec 21, 2018, 10:19 PM
subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Zenbook battery died and PC will not run on AC

I ordered the Asus battery at

It's the Asus brand battery that I removed from my Zenbook. They insisted that I provide the exact PC and battery information:

ASUS Zenbook UX31E-DH52 13.3-Inch Thin and Light Ultrabook (Silver Aluminum)
Asus battery Li-PolymerBattery Pack C22-UX31
Rating: +7.4V 6840mAh, 50Wh

It's unacceptable that Asus does not support and sell it's own battery. My Asus is inoperable now.

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