Friday, December 23, 2011

Amazon Kindle Fire sucks!

It's as proprietary as Apple's stuff.  It came with one month free Prime service, which includes borrowing books for free for the one month.

I had to call Amazon support to get my Roku box to work with Amazon.

I downloaded a free book and read about half.  Why didn't I finish?  Amazon removed the book from MY device in MY home!  How did I find out?  Read on.

I tried to order something on Amazon and was going to be charged for shipping, which is supposed to be  free for Prime service members (actually I learned that's only if Amazon actually does the shipping).  I stopped the order and asked Amazon some questions.  That's how I learned that my Prime service had been cancelled.  No e-mail follow-ups.  No reminders.  No final warning.  Zippo.

Amazon cancelled my Prime service, I guess after one month.  I received one e-mail message reminding me that my one month was coming due.  What company sends just one such message?  Only Amazon as far as I know.

I lost my book and my Roku setup.  Amazon was completely clueless about my outrage and did nothing to placate me.  It's two days before Christmas and I'm looking for a buyer.  Failing that I will see if someone has posted actual instructions on how to install Android 4.0 ice cream including WiFi.

I will not order anything from Amazon again with or without the Kindke Fire.

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