Tuesday, November 27, 2012

UPS does not try to fix problems on Saturday.

In my post about the knucklehead from UPS corporate headquarters I forgot to mention that after I asked why my package had been placed on a UPS truck on a Wednesday for final delivery but not delivered: why had it not been placed on a UPS truck Thursday, Friday, Saturday ...  Here I was interrupted by Miss Knucklehead.  I said UPS delivers on Saturday, right?  Yes, but I had not paid for weekend delivery.

At his point it's really difficult to describe my exasperation with the complete stupidity of this comment.  Obviously, it was the fault of UPS, not the customer, that my package had remained in a UPS facility for TWO more days and not been placed on a truck.  Now this incredibly inept UPS corporate headquarters knucklehead thinks she has scored an "ah ha!" debating point.

So my package waited until Monday ... and still was not placed on a truck.  Either Miss Knucklehead did not attempt to exert influence to get my package moving or the UPS people in New York ignored her, which may be the only thing they did right in this silly episode.

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